Wanda Lee Joy Fund

The WMU Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization (EIN: 63-1138772), therefore, donations are considered tax deductible to the extent as allowed by law. The WMU Foundation provided no goods or services in exchange for this contribution. Please consult your tax professional regarding your personal tax situation.

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Women on Mission Smithville FBC | $259.92




Ms Dixie was my WMU friend and mentor.

Barry Morris

This brick is donated in honor of Dudley Reaves by his wife Pat Reaves, his daughters, Kristin Hager and Laura Morris and his Son in Laws, Jennings Hager and Barry Morris. has supported missions and served as a missions leader for many years. He began as a Royal Ambassador leader in the 1970s. Later he led young men in Challengers. For many years he has served Bethlehem Baptist Church in Louisville, KY as a Mission Friends leader. He continues in this role today at the age of 85. Mission trips have been a consistent part of his service including many MissionFests and two FamilyFests with his children and grandchildren. His support of the Woman's Missionary Union has been unwavering especially during the years that his wife, Pat Reaves, served as Kentucky WMU President. Dudley and Pat serve their local elementary school where they minister to both teachers and students. Dudley Reaves exemplifies Missions for Life!