WMU Foundation

The WMU Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization (EIN: 63-1138772), therefore, donations are considered tax deductible to the extent as allowed by law. The WMU Foundation provided no goods or services in exchange for this contribution. Please consult your tax professional regarding your personal tax situation.

These fundraisers are making a difference

Show your support and fundraise today to achieve our goals!

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Donor Wall10

Vickie Donachy | $100

Doris Poole

Andrew Batey | $1,050

Thank you for the work you do. May the Lord continue to bless your labor

Doug Fish | $50

Marti Hartman

Cynthia Watts | $125/M

Virginia & David Yacko | $104.15

Janet | $100

Donna & Jim

Brian Gannon | $200